CONCURS AL CATEDREI DE LIMBA ȘI LITERATURA ROMÂNĂ 30 ianuarie face parte din calendarul cultural al comunității hasdeiene. Ziua nașterii ...
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Ziua națională a culturii – 2025
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Calendarul olimpiadelor școlare 2025
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Despre noi
Our school is a state institution, in Buzau, a town in the South-East of
Romania, at about 100km from its capital, Bucuresti. We are a
theoretical high school/college with students ranging between grades 9
and 12, but we also have a small number of secondary school classes. We
have a number of approximatively 1500 students ranging between 11 and 19
years old, and around 80 teachers. National College "B. P. Hasdeu" is
an ASP Net School (UNESCO associated School), and in 2006 we will
celebrate 140 years of existence. One of our graduates is a Nobel Prise
for Biology Winner and many others are now academicians or University
Professors. Many of our Students are prized in International Olympics in
Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Social Sciences.
The Ten Commandments of a Student in The "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu" College
- Be proud that you are a student of this school!
- Be yourself, trust yourself, be responsible in all that you are doing!
- Learn! Do not forget that you are learning only for your success!
- Respect the others in order to be respected yourself; learn to be kind, polite and tolerant in every situation!
Do not forget that you are precious as a person, you have the right to a good school life that you can build yourself!
- Learn to have a measure in everything!Prove what you are by your deep thinking, not by exaggerated extravagances!
- Be a man of the modern times, but respect the eternal values of Humanity:the Good, the Beautiful, Truth, Law, Liberty, Perseverence,Democracy
- Consider your teacher friend and partner in all that means your success!
- Be involved in the life of your school! Take attitude permanently, express your opinions, proposals and protests in a civilized manner;make your initiatives come true. Only by having a dialogue with everybody can you fiind better solutions to fulfill your dreams and responsibilities!
- Cultivate all that is positive in yourself ! Learn that science and culture are meaningless if they are not reflected in conscience and behaviour!